Bladder / Urinary Tract
(UTI: Uncomplicated)
Frequent urination, pain while urinating and difficulty holding in urine. Pain in lower abdomen and a small amount of blood in the urine. Absence of vaginal discharge. Cloudy or foul-smelling urine.
NOTE: Pharmacists can only assess and prescribe for Females.
Cold Sores
(Oral Herpes Labialis)
Rash or bump around border of the lip. Presence of clear, sticky fluid around the rash. Itching, tingling, or burning may lead to the rash. Redness or inflamed skin around the rash.

Allergies - Stuffy nose
(Allergic Rhinitis)
Sneezing, Stuffy nose or runny nose, Itchy nose, eye, or throat. Typically, more than 7 days of continuous symptoms.

Pink Eye
Eye redness and difficulty opening eyes in the morning. Appearance of sticky or watery fluids from the eye. Mild scratching, itching, or burning sensation Bright lights hurt your eyes.

Heartburn / Acid Reflux
(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Burping / stomach acid rise from the stomach into the mouth. Burning feeling in the stomach or lower chest rising to the neck. Trouble getting a good night's sleep because of heartburn. Pain in the middle of the upper stomach area. Nausea.

Hemorrhoids are a swelling of the veins or blood vessels in and around your anus and lower rectum. This happens when there is extra pressure on these veins. Hemorrhoids are either inside your anus (internal) or under the skin around your anus (external). About half of all people will have hemorrhoids by age 50.

Tick Bites
(Prevention of Lyme Disease)
Tick bite by black-legged tick. A red lump present, but swelling, blistering, bruising, itching or other infections may develop. Mild allergic reaction (hives, rash, and light swelling at the bite site).

Skin Rash
Bump that changes into a blister surrounded by rash. Yellow discharge that dries to form a "golden" or "honey-colored" crust. Can affect face, arms or legs.

Oral Fungal Infection
(Oral Thrush)
White or creamy-white spots / patches on the lips, inside of mouth, tongue and / or the roof of the mouth. Cottage cheese-like appearance Patches can be scraped off. Dry mouth and / or loss of taste.

Period Cramps
Pain and cramps in the lower abdominal area Pain in the lower back and starting a few hours before onset of a period Pain can last a few hours to days.
Skin Infection
Bump that changes into a blister surrounded by rash. Yellow discharge that dries to form a "golden" or "honey-colored" crust. Can affect face, arms or legs.

Insect Bites and Itch
Pain and cramps in the lower abdominal area. Pain in the lower back and starting a few hours before onset of a period. Pain can last a few hours to days

Muscle Aches and pains
(Musculoskeletal Sprains and strains)
Pain, swelling or tenderness (light to medium). Redness or bruising. Limited motion and muscle weakness. Injury is associated with overworking or muscle / joint injured